Move Tutor Pokemon Infinite Fusion (2025)

1. List of Tutors - Pokémon Infinite Fusion Wiki - Fandom

  • Certain move tutors, known as Move Experts, are each able to teach a variety of different moves in exchange for Heart Scales.

  • Certain move tutors, known as Move Experts, are each able to teach a variety of different moves in exchange for Heart Scales. For a full list of these tutors and their move lists, see: Move Expert Move Lists‎‎

List of Tutors - Pokémon Infinite Fusion Wiki - Fandom

2. Move Tutors | Pokemon Infinity Wiki - Fandom

  • There are multiple tutors throughout the game that teach moves, similarly to TMs. Most tutors teach only a single move. Tutors will teach their moves for free.

  • There are multiple tutors throughout the game that teach moves, similarly to TMs. Most tutors teach only a single move. Tutors will teach their moves for free, besides the postgame Omni Tutor in Trident Tower. Many tutors found throughout the region are only available during particular days and times. Be aware not only of where you can find them, but when they are available as well. After beating the game and winning a postgame tournament, an employee appears on Trident Tower 2F who can teach a

Move Tutors | Pokemon Infinity Wiki - Fandom

3. Move Tutors In ORAS - Pokemon Forever

Move Tutors In ORAS - Pokemon Forever

4. Pokemon isn't given previous move options from the Move Relearner

  • Jan 31, 2021 · The Move Relearner does not show all the moves a Pokémon can relearn. Could you try selecting a move and seeing if the rest become visible? Or re-interact with ...

  • I leveled my Cleffa up to lvl 80 without evolving. Clefairy is supposed to learn Moonblast at level 46, but since Cleffa wasn't evolved, she never learned Moonblast. I went to the Move Relearner for my Clefairy to learn Moonblast, but wasn't provided the option of Moonblast. Instead, it gave me C...

Pokemon isn't given previous move options from the Move Relearner

5. Move Tutor - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon ...

  • Missing: infinite fusion

  • A Move Tutor (Japanese: 技教え Move Teacher) is a non-player character who will teach a Pokémon specific moves. They are found in various regions of the Pokémon world.

Move Tutor - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon ...

6. Move Reminder / Relearner Gen 8 update - Pixelmon Mod View topic

7. Need help: Shroomish/Breloom spore - Pokemon Revolution Online

  • Oct 13, 2018 · Once in a Daycare, go behind the old couple to get brought to the area with the Pre-Evo move tutor. To unlock the Daycare, you'll need to have ...

  • Hello, Shroomish couldn't learn spore in game. Not from move relearner, not from egg moves. I evolved it to Breloom since Spore is not a tutor move. Breloom cannot learn spore from the move relearner or move tutor. I am now finding out that Shroomish needs to learn spore and there's a glitch in t...

8. 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion - Page 11

  • Apr 22, 2015 · "and anyways, you can just get moves from the move tutor" => that's bad design in its finest. You don't take away something and just say but ...

  • Pokemon Infinite Fusion Version 6.0 is out now! Visit the discord to find the download link! Click this to Join our Discord! This game re-introduces the DNA Splicers from Black and White 2... Except this time, you can use it on EVERY Pokémon! Use them to combine any two Pokémon...

40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion - Page 11

9. Can a move relearner make a pokemon remember moves from a ...

  • Sep 12, 2017 · If you go to a site like Bulbapedia that shows all the moves you might see a few moves that say they're learned at level 1 which is impossible ...

  • I know this question has been asked a fair bit, but I want a solid answer. If lets say you have a growlithe with flamethrower via level up, evolve it into an Arcanine, and accidentally forget flamethrower, can you still relearn it because it knew the move beforehand, or can you not because the...

Can a move relearner make a pokemon remember moves from a ...

10. Move Reminder - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon ...

  • The Slaking Move Relearner allows team members to remember forgotten moves, in the same manner as the Move Reminder for level-up moves in the core series games.

  • A Move Reminder (Japanese: 技思い出し Move Reminder) or Pokémon Move Maniac (Japanese: ポケモンわざマニア Pokémon Move Maniac), also known as a Move Tutor in English and sometimes called a move relearner by fans, is a character who can teach a Pokémon any move that its species is able to learn by leveling up, and from Generation VI onward, special moves that it has forgotten (such as Egg Moves). The Move Reminder usually requires a Heart Scale in exchange for their services.

Move Reminder - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon ...
Move Tutor Pokemon Infinite Fusion (2025)
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